GIESEMANN T-5 / super purple is the ultimate white/violet spectrum T5 lamp to accentuate coral and fish colors as well as providing proper light intensity for coral growth.
Recommended for Marine/Reef Aquaria
super- purple is as well a high-performance T5 tube with a very strong and stable spectrum for lighting of reef tanks, producing stunning colour effects and a magnificent coral growth. GIESEMANN T-5 / super purple is a high quality light source with white/violet spectrum as a perfect addition to our other GIESEMANN T-5 tubes. Extensive tests have shown, that most hard corals have a distinct colour gain after 2 - 3 weeks, especially in pink, violet and red range. The fish look much more colorful and natural.
The GIESEMANN T-5 / super purple is ideal in combination with our ACTINIC- BLUE, AQUABLUE- AZURE or the AQUABLUE- CORAL to produce exceptionally beautiful color effects. Many scientific research institutes and public aquariums rely on GIESEMANN products. This is an impressive proof of the outstanding quality of our lamps.
GIESEMANN T-5 / super purple are available at all power levels 24, 39, 54 and 80 watts.
- Increases in pink, violet and red coloration
- Reinforcement of all colors in fish and corals
- Brilliant white/violet spectrum
- Fish look more natural
- Made in Gernany